In a recent interview with the media outlet OANN, James Stephan “Jimmy, Mr Beast” Donaldson spoke on his most recent experiment to get new video ideas. Reality shifting.
Reality shifting or shifting as Donaldson puts it, is “a way to experience different versions of our universe without risking your own corporeal form.”

Less than 12 months ago Donaldson spent nearly 15 million dollars on a reality shifting machine that occupies a 12ft x 12ft x 12ft reinforced concrete chamber in a bunker 30 feet underground. The only thing he’s said about the machine is that it “fills the room with gas and then you are gone.”
You might be wondering how Donaldson was able to afford this chamber; after all it is a well-known fact he doesn’t make money on his videos. Donaldson explained how he was able to afford this venture, saying “As you know, I don’t make money off my videos; I reinvest everything back into the company. I cut myself a fat check a few years back and have been investing it in alternate reality stock exchanges. I’m up 15%.” Donaldson then took a few minutes to catch his breath and then said, “The only real paycheck I need is experiencing alternate realities critters. The other day I saw snake-dogs. Pretty lit.”
30 minutes into the interview, Donaldson started talking about experiences he had with the machine. “I’ve seen all sorts of things, man. Talking cat people, silicon-based life forms, cryptoverses, women’s suffrage- it’s all crazy bonkers, man.”
The interview was cut short when Donaldson had to go pose for thumbnails.
Source: AP
Where Can I Find The “Beast Bunker”
I think he might be slippin up his little jimmy down there honestly.