Marques Brownlee, also known as “MKBHD” in the YouTube sphere, is widely regarded as one of the most reputable sources of tech news and information online. For years, he’s gotten personal invites to tech conferences, even yearly getting the chance to go to Apple’s prestigious WWDC event. Boasting an unbelievable 19.1 million subscribers on just one of his YouTube channels, it’s not overselling to say he’s one of the most fascinating creators on the platform, and this week he’s announced something he thinks will flip the online entertainment industry on its head.
TechFault had the opportunity to visit the unveiling of Marques Brownlee’s new “Brown Room” – a state of the art, all-purpose, technology complex. With a unique, unorthodox design, the walls are lined up and down with brown paint and cutting edge technology. Stepping in to the “Brown Room” felt almost religious, with Marques gesturing to each person to go inside while saying “Please, enter my Brown Room”
Marques runs “at least 6” channels besides his own, and he said he hopes this “Technology Apparatus” he has created will up the efficiency of being a CEO in charge of so many different ventures. In the middle of the room, a computer that seems just shy of being called a supercomputer sits with 14 massive 34″ monitors connected, a looming presence against the backdrop of contraptions and brown walls.
“Every piece of technology is important here. I wanted to be able to access everything,” were his first words uttered when everyone had filed inside the Apparatus. According to him, after making Tech videos for 16 years, the tech he had to review had piled up to a degree he could no longer ignore. The result was the Brown Room, with every single bit of Technology he had acquired connected in one way or another, whether it be by cords duct taped fully down to the floor, or pipes sprawling across the ceiling in an almost steampunk fashion.
He asked if we would like to see a brief demonstration as steam poured out from a tube in the back right of the room, giving an eerie undertone to his question. Later, when the 3 of us from TechFault that had gotten invited had a conversation about the events, we realized we were all not quite sure if we had stumbled onto genius or happened upon mad science.
When we answered him yes, he immediately had an assistant bring out 10 page NDA’s that we had to pour over and sign, though it was “only a safety precaution.” This didn’t end up mattering because after whatever he showed us, the monitors in the room flashed what felt like a billion colors, and we had all forgotten everything we’d just seen.
“You’ll know in 10 years. But by then it will be too late.” said Marques, as he then gestured towards the exit. We didn’t know what we had seen, but we knew it would change everything.
Marques Brownlee’s new “Brown Room” seems quite intriguing! I would be absolutely frolicking if I was given a tour by Marques Brownlee of his Brown Room!
MKBHD’s ‘Brown Room’ is one of the best Rooms that I’ve even seen and want one in my own house!
I do believe that the MKBHD “Brown Room” is quite the technological advancement. I do hope that some day I may step inside and be filled with knowledge.
I have seen recreations
I visited Mark’s “Brown Room” last weekend. After I left, he said: “Thanks for visiting my “Brown Room.””.
Nope sorry